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  1. Last week
  2. I just logged in for 2 minutes and was “kicked” again. I can’t log in again. UnKick please
  3. There are no admins, there is this line Trying p48/auth3/revEmu.. And what is this, this has never happened before.....!&!&
  4. Just “kicked” and that’s it, now it doesn’t go to the server NIGHTSKILL.CSLEVELS.EU [WarCrafT3 UWC3X Lvl50+CSDM VIP FREE], and whoever did it doesn’t show up in the consol!!! My Nick name ~*AntiJOKER*~
  5. I’m sitting here playing, I’m already lvl 26 and on my way to lvl 27, and then suddenly, without anything, I’m just “kicked” and that’s it! unBan me please! Cool server) Senks!
  6. Earlier
  7. I was kicked and banned tonight: Ban Information Name: MOSSAD IP: Reason: wall time Ban Length: 45 minutes Unban Time: 2:59:30 11/9/2024 Admin Name: RaMb0 Admin SteamID: STEAM_1:1:311 The reason says I was walling???? I didn't use any cheat!
  8. Bugurile nu se folosesc pe server !
  9. Pentru nerespectarea regulamentului ai primit cea ce ... trebuia !
  10. ************************************************ Ban Information Name: Top G SteamID: STEAM_0:0:14114167 Reason: jet Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: RaMb0 Admin SteamID: STEAM_1:1:311904455 Salut Rambo, Mi-ai dat ban permanent ca foloseam Ak47 pe harta de awp, a fost un bug m-am trezit cu 2 arme, puteai sa spui ceva, sau sa-mi dai kick eventual, am 37 de ani si stau sa fac cereri pe forumuri de unban ca ai tu urgoliu de copil de 11 ani, comunitatea de cs vad ca nu sa maturizat deloc, e aceasi ca acum 11-12 ani cand m-am apucat de cs, pacat, de asta sunt serverele goale si au mai ramas putini "fani" ai acestui joc, ca sunt orgolii de copii mici ( chiar daca probabil ai o varsta de major 18+ ). Sper sa iti treaca orgoliu de copil mic si sa primesc unban, deoarece este dat pe degeaba, din cauza unui bug ( am primit 2 arme awp+ak47 ). Zi frumoasa tuturor si enjoy life,
  11. Tonight I was playing normally. I was enjoying the game and making good kills when suddenly I was kicked by Rambo without any reason. What is the justification here? I wasn't breaking any rules???
  12. Anami 😄 himself use textures in Nuke map...then maybe he want bann himself for it.
  13. permanant bann for jump ?? realy ? then just bann 90 procent players here for using textures......lol
  14. no aim no cheat just random permanant bann ,because i play better then that russian cunt..... remove bann.....my all war gods clean...>Remove admin from that kidd...delete he"s lvl in game.
  16. You have unbaned for more moment Try wargods and send link for scaning ok ?
  17. Every moment scaning type scan wargods and send links
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